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Secure Your Notary WEB3 Domain

Own your identity in the digital world.

Secure your domaine : .Notary .Notarypublic and more...

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No renewal

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No gas or
mint fees

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Starting at

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100 + 1,000 + 10,000 + 100,000 + 130,000 + 1,000,000 + 2,000,000 + 3,000,000 + 3,300,000 + 1111

WEB3 Domains

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Use Your WEB3 Name for


Digital Wallet Address

Your unique identifier for decentralized blockchain transactions and digital assets.


WEB 3 Username

User-chosen identifier for decentralized web3 applications and networks.


Website URL

Domain names for decentralized web3 applications and websites.

Learn More about WEB3 and WEB3 Domains

Check out our explainer videos where we provide answers
to frequently asked questions.

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The Evolution of the Internet: Web3

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Domain Names, Digital Wallets, Digital Identity

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Why should you secure a Web3 Domain

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Most common FAQ's

WEB3 Username

A name for your
WEB3 profile

Build your digital identity with Domain Profiles. Verify your social accounts, display your NFT avatar, and highlight achievements.

Digital wallet adress

A short digital wallet name for getting paid

Make sending and receiving crypto simple. Replace long, complicated wallet addresses with a single easy-to- read name.

Supported in apps like

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Supported in apps like

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WEB3 Domain Name Address

A Domain Name for your WEB3 website

Build a Web3 website with a domain that you fully own and control. Your domain is yours for life - no renewal fees, gas fees or hosting fees.

Supported in apps like

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So what are you waiting for?

Search for your domain today.
